How much is a dollar to naira today in the black market?
Dollar to naira exchange rate today black market (Aboki dollar rate):
The exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for N749 and sell at N765 on Monday 24th October 2022, according to sources at Bureau De Change (BDC). Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market (black market), as it has directed individuals who want to engage in Forex to approach their respective banks.Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today
Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) | Black Market Exchange Rate Today |
Buying Rate | 749 |
Selling Rate | 765 |
Please note that the rates you buy or sell forex may be different from what is captured in this article because prices vary.
Airfares Rose By 96.87% In One Year – NBS
In one year, air transportation has increased by 96.87 per cent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). NBS disclosed this in a report titled, ‘transport fare watch’ (September 2022). According to the Bureau, the average fare paid by air passengers for specified routes single journey, increased by 96.87% from N36,922.97 in September 2021 on a year-on-year basis. NBS revealed that on a month-on-month basis, it increased by 11.76% from N65,041.89 in August 2022 to N72,690.54 in September 2022. The data released by the statistics body has it that the average fare paid by commuters for bus journeys within the city per drop increased by 2.19% on a month-on-month from N602.48 in August 2022 to N615.69 in September 2022. It also revealed that on a year-on-year basis, the average fare paid by commuters for bus journeys within the city per drop rose by 41.42% from N435.36 in September 2021 to N615.69 in September 2022. In another category, the average fare paid by commuters for bus journey intercity per drop rose to N3,790.06 in September 2022 indicating an increase of 0.27% on a month-on-month compared to the value of N3,779.96 in August 2022. On a year-on-year, the fare prices rose by 44.61% from N2,620.90 in September 2021.This article was originally published on Naija News
from Naija News