#BNWeekInReview: Catch all the Fun & Excitement from This Week

It’s time to relive another series of thrilling adventures filled with love, movies, music, events, recognitions, lifestyle, good news, and more.

In the middle of the constant hustle and bustle, you might have overlooked a thing or two and wondered how to keep up with all that’s happened.

On www.bellanaija.com, there’s always an exciting scoop, gorgeous birthday pictures, vlogs, an interesting piece of information, and everything else that has to do with keeping you updated! If you didn’t catch all of it, here’s a recap… That is, after all, why we came! So keep scrolling and remember to click on the title links for more information on each story.

Now, let us take you through everything that happened this first week in December 2022.


How Guests Turned Up for Rita Dominic & Fidelis Anosike’s White Wedding | #ReelDeel2022

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