Nigerian Newspapers Daily Front Pages Review | Saturday 26th November, 2022

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Naija News looks at the top happenings making headlines on the front pages of Nigeria’s national newspapers today Saturday 26th November 2022.

The PUNCH: The frequent appearance of queues of desperate motorists at filling stations in search of Premium Motor Spirit, otherwise known as petrol, could affect the Christmas and New Year festivities, oil marketers stated on Friday. It was also gathered that oil marketers were now free to sell petrol at any rate as the Federal Government was no more restraining them from dispensing the commodity at a regulated price.

The Guardian: Following the disclosure by River State Governor, Nyesom Wike, last week in Port Harcourt, that the projects he had executed were made possible by the over N9 trillion derivation funds released by the Federal Government to the oil-producing Niger Delta states, many indigenes of the six states affected have expressed divergent views, especially regarding the motive and transparency of the governors in not informing the people about the windfall and judicious use of the funds at a time most states in the country are facing financial challenges.

This Day: Ahead of the 2023 elections, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) yesterday reiterated that all political parties must inform it of any transfer of funds or other assets to them from outside Nigeria within 21 days of receipt.It also directed political parties to notify it of the schedule of their rallies and processions at least 10 days ahead, and to also inform the police about such activities. These are contained in the guidelines for the Conduct of Political Rallies, Processions and Campaigns, as well as that of Finances and Election Expenses of Political Parties, Candidates and Aspirants released on Thursday by INEC.

The Nation: PRESIDENTIAL candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, continued his push for votes in the Niger Delta region yesterday with a visit to Oporoza, the headquarters of Gbaramotu Kingdom, Delta State. Yesterday’s visit, during which the presidential candidate met with leaders and stakeholders in the kingdom located in Warri Southwest Development Area, came less than one week after he visited the state for a campaign rally in Warri town.

Daily Trust: A three-year-old Dala Modu was standing next to his mother and visibly in pain as he dangled the leg wounded by a shard from an off-target Nigerian Air Force (NAF) missile 14 months ago. On his head is another wound. Although healed from the surface, his mother said he suffered epileptic night headaches that would wake them up occasionally for 14 months.

Thank you for reading, that is all for today, see you again tomorrow for a review of Nigerian newspapers.

This article was originally published on Naija News

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