You Have Made A Very Big Mistake – Bwala Schools Tinubu On Lalong And Keyamo Appointments

The presidential campaign spokesman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Bwala Daniel has said that the All Progressive Congress (APC) flagbearer, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu made a mistake in appointing Simon Lalong and Festus Keyamo as the Director-General and spokesman of his campaign.

Bwala stated this on Monday while speaking during an interview with TVC News. He insisted that the APC chieftains do not truly support their principal. He explained that Lalong and Keyamo during the APC primaries were not in support of Tinubu. Bwala argued that the APC flag bearer should have chosen those who support and believe in him. He said, “Personally I believe Asiwaju made a big mistake by allowing gov Lalong and Festus Keyamo to be DG and Spokesperson and I will tell you why. They did not believe in him and I still believe that they do not believe in him, Because while we were in primaries they were not in supporting him, they were supporting a candidate other than him. Asiwaju ought to have appointed people who were loyal to him, but he has carried people who do not believe in him.”

This article was originally published on Naija News

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