Islamic scholar in Canada tells woman who converted to Islam that she is no longer married to her infidel husband

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And they cannot have conjugal relations, for the infidel husband is unclean: “O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28)

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ISLAMIC JIHAD NEWSIslamic scholar in Canada tells woman who converted to Islam that she is no longer married to her infidel husbandPublished 3 days ago on July 19, 2022By Dan Best

And they cannot have conjugal relations, for the infidel husband is unclean: “O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28)

The non-Muslim world remains almost completely ignorant of these teachings of Islam, and assumes that it affirms the equal dignity and rights of all human beings.

“Husband Refuses to Accept Islam: What to Do?,” About Islam, July 17, 2022:

Q: I am a Christian woman who has converted to Islam. I have been trying to give da`aah to my husband but so far he has refused to accept Islam. I am confused. I don’t know what I should do. Should I leave him or give him more time? Am I allowed to engage in sexual relations with him, knowing that he is not performing ghusl, etc.?


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ISLAMIC JIHAD NEWSIslamic scholar in Canada tells woman who converted to Islam that she is no longer married to her infidel husbandPublished 3 days ago on July 19, 2022By Dan Best

And they cannot have conjugal relations, for the infidel husband is unclean: “O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28)

The non-Muslim world remains almost completely ignorant of these teachings of Islam, and assumes that it affirms the equal dignity and rights of all human beings.

“Husband Refuses to Accept Islam: What to Do?,” About Islam, July 17, 2022:

Q: I am a Christian woman who has converted to Islam. I have been trying to give da`aah to my husband but so far he has refused to accept Islam. I am confused. I don’t know what I should do. Should I leave him or give him more time? Am I allowed to engage in sexual relations with him, knowing that he is not performing ghusl, etc.?


Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

17 July, 2022

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

Your marriage with your husband is automatically terminated by your conversion to Islam. This means, you are no longer permitted to have conjugal relations. Pray to Allah earnestly and persistently to open your husband’s heart to the truth of Islam.

Latest Mp3 Songs, Videos, Albums For Free

ISLAMIC JIHAD NEWSIslamic scholar in Canada tells woman who converted to Islam that she is no longer married to her infidel husbandPublished 3 days ago on July 19, 2022By Dan Best

And they cannot have conjugal relations, for the infidel husband is unclean: “O you who believe, the idolaters only are unclean.” (Qur’an 9:28)

The non-Muslim world remains almost completely ignorant of these teachings of Islam, and assumes that it affirms the equal dignity and rights of all human beings.

“Husband Refuses to Accept Islam: What to Do?,” About Islam, July 17, 2022:

Q: I am a Christian woman who has converted to Islam. I have been trying to give da`aah to my husband but so far he has refused to accept Islam. I am confused. I don’t know what I should do. Should I leave him or give him more time? Am I allowed to engage in sexual relations with him, knowing that he is not performing ghusl, etc.?


Sheikh Ahmad Kutty

17 July, 2022

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

Your marriage with your husband is automatically terminated by your conversion to Islam. This means, you are no longer permitted to have conjugal relations. Pray to Allah earnestly and persistently to open your husband’s heart to the truth of Islam.

Responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

Your marriage with your husband, according to the strict laws of Islam, is automatically terminated by your conversion to Islam. However, you are allowed to wait patiently for some time to give him a chance to recognize the beauty of Islam and convert to it on his own free will. If he does convert, you can resume your conjugal relations, without a new nikah (marriage)….



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